Stephanie M. Dloniak

Writing and teaching about science and nature



April 14, 2014

Hope for Big Life in East Africa – new story

Filed under: blog,kenya,news,publications,wildlife — Tags: , , , , , , — Stephanie Dloniak @ 4:23 pm

My latest story has just been published. “Hope for Big Life in East Africa” is a feature in The Collection, a new Scandinavian magazine. I write about the art and conservation work of Nick Brandt. Here is the pdf: The_Collection_Magazine_Nick_Brandt_SMD

You can see more of Nick Brandt’s work here.

And you can learn more about Big Life Foundation here.

February 4, 2014

Can mock hunts help save lions’ lives?

My latest feature has been published by Ensia magazine. I write about innovative conservation tools being used by the Lion Guardians team near Amboseli National Park in Kenya. You can read the story here.  And here are some photos that did not make it into the story…

Lions and spotted hyenas feed on a wildebeest nex to the dry bed of Lake Amboseli, outside of Amboseli National Park.

Lions and spotted hyenas feed on a wildebeest nex to the dry bed of Lake Amboseli, outside of Amboseli National Park.


Metito, a Lion Guardian, records data as we observe the lions in the previous photo.

Metito, a Lion Guardian, records data as we observe the lions in the previous photo.


Metito tells young herders that there are lions and hyenas near the water hole they are headed to.

Metito tells young herders that there are lions and hyenas near the water hole they are headed to.

The home of an extended Maasai family below Ngararambuni, near Amboseli National Park.

The home of an extended Maasai family below Ngararambuni, near Amboseli National Park.

An enkaji (Maasai house) surrounded by a boma (livestock enclosure) made of thorn tree branches.

An enkaji (Maasai house) surrounded by a boma (livestock enclosure) made of thorn tree branches.

Young children often herd the calves and baby shoats (sheep and goats).

Young children often herd the calves and baby shoats (sheep and goats).

The Lion Guardians HQ and Mount Kilimanjaro.

The Lion Guardians HQ and Mount Kilimanjaro.

List of reports that have recently come in from the Lion Guardians out in the field.

List of reports that have recently come in from the Lion Guardians out in the field.

The kitirua pride of lions on the edge of Amboseli National Park. Note the radio collar on the adult female, whose name is Willy.

The Kitirua pride of lions on the edge of Amboseli National Park. Note the radio collar on the adult female, whose name is Willy.